5 high performance reasons why we loved the tube strike…

The tube drivers in London went on strike on Monday. Unless you’d lived in Outer Mongolia and were digitally cut off, this wouldn’t have escaped your attention. From the media and public outcry before the day, you’d have thought it was Armageddon.
Turns out, it wasn’t as bad as predicted. From a high performance perspective, there was a lot to be cheerful about.
Here are 5 reasons why we loved the tube strike .
1. Productivity increased
The strike meant that people worked from home. And we all know that you get twice as much done when you’re at home with fewer distractions. No “essential” meetings to go. No small talk to make with colleagues. It was an opportunity to get stuck into some real work. Offices were quieter too. So if you ran the gauntlet and made it in, boy was it worth it.
2. London took to the streets
With no tubes, people were left with some stark choices. Compete for an uber. Queue for a bus. Or – shock horror – put your trainers on and take to the streets. Use your legs to get to where you want to go. It’s a unique concept, we know. People we talked to who’d walked a couple of miles to work said how much more energised they’d felt on their arrival at work, that it’d had a knock on effect on their focus and productivity that day. Funny that.
3. London pulled together
The weird thing about a ‘crisis’ is how it unites people and makes them pull together. There was a kind of siege mentality on the streets; people were actually talking to each other (yes, complete strangers) and comparing notes on their journeys and how it was all affecting them. The mood and atmosphere on the streets was upbeat. There was almost a carnival atmosphere.
4. Beyond the norm
The strike brought a sense of adventure and uniqueness. It meant that people had to be creative in getting to work. They experienced a new environment (above ground). It was an opportunity to have a micro-adventure on the streets of London. What’s not to love?
5. Save some money
We’re not sure whether there was economic benefit for London from the strike (probably not), but on an individual level, some people saved a few pennies. And in a time of economic uncertainty, that’s got to be a good thing.
So, lots to love about the tube strike. We also wondered whether the tube strike might lead to a change in behaviour… if you walked a few miles on Monday, could you make it a more regular occurrence? Could a snow day afford you the same opportunities to get moving?
Moving Mondays or Walking Wednesdays perhaps?