Our guides will equip you with the core ideas of a topic across the human performance spectrum and are underpinned by science, research and data within the sport and business worlds. You will learn the fundamentals and be taught how to carry these through to real life experiences with high performance tools to help strengthen your learning.
Confidence. With it, you can do almost anything. Without it, your chances of performing well plummet. It’s so important which makes it all the more strange that people simply don’t […]
Motivation and performance. They’re happy – or unhappy – bedfellows. If you’re motivated, you’ll be performing well and delivering the goods. If you’re not motivated, chances are that you’re not […]
How many of us feel ready to do a good day at work? Or nail it at the crucial moment? 80% of people we work with tell us that most of the time they don’t feel ready, despite what they do to prepare.
If you’re not ready to follow the energy basics to be fit for purpose, then you better be ready to be fit to drop anytime soon.
Every day, see how good you can become at focusing on what is right now. Some days are easier than others but every day you get the chance to get […]
It’s easy to perform when there’s no pressure, there’s time and you’re in control. Performing under pressure is a different matter. It’s that simple. Great performers step up under pressure. […]
“As a rule, we find what we look for; we achieve what we get ready for” James Cash Penney In the build up to an Olympics, athletes talk a lot […]
“If a coach can’t tell you what methodology he uses – what he does and what outcomes you can expect – show him the door” Harvard Business Review Putting aside […]
“It never gets easier, you just go faster” – Greg LeMond (Tour de France winner) Too often people forget that when they sign up to be part of a highly competitive […]
High performing cultures need leaders who nurture, develop & sustain them. See what that means for you so you can lead a culture, not a cult. . John Kotter & James […]
High performing teams are rare. Getting together a group of clever, talented and experienced people who know their stuff isn’t enough, though too many believe it is. Make yours one […]
59% of people at work say they’re burned out, low on energy, emotionally drained and lacking any meaning. No surprise then that their performance is not as good as it […]