
How do you compare?

I’ve realised I’m really bored with the whole “stop comparing yourself to other people, compare yourself to yourself” plea. It’s doing a huge disservice to people who naturally benefit from […]

Posted in: Performance insightsConfidenceMental Health

Playing from the Heart

This content is for members only

Posted in: Performance programmesProgrammesConfidenceMindsetPerformance

Top tips for introverts to find their voice in meetings

In this infographic we provide some helpful tips for introverts to be able to participate, contribute and have their value demonstrated.

Posted in: InfographicsConfidence

Busy Introverting
Top tips to help introverts express themselves effectively in meetings

Introverts have just as must potential of adding value to discussions as anyone else. In fact, there are many aspects of communicating that introverts typically bring that add real robustness […]

Posted in: Blog postsConfidence

Rebuilding confidence after being furloughed

Coming back to work after an absence can be challenging. The experience is probably not dissimilar to that feeling of going back to school after a summer holiday; getting back […]

Posted in: Blog postsConfidence

Rebuilding your confidence after absence from work

Returning to work after an absence can be a very challenging time for many. This infographic provides some useful tips and insights that will help you rebuild that process.

Posted in: InfographicsConfidence

Building Confidence in Teams

Being part of a confident team has a brilliant essence to it. Dynamic confidence in teams is a simple and powerful mix of 3 things which we are all responsible […]

Posted in: Performance FixConfidenceTeams

Bullet Proof Confidence

Confidence is not a personality trait or quality. It’s not something you either have or haven’t. Being confident is a skill and everyone can build their confidence and in this […]

Posted in: Performance FixConfidence