
5 ways to create a positive motivational climate

If you’re a consistently positive influence on motivation by definition you’ll become a leader of the motivational climate for everyone you work with. Learn how to develop a positive motivational […]

Posted in: InfographicsCultureMotivation

A Happy New High Performance Year!

We got some great feedback on our blog just before Christmas where we shared some of the output from our own K2 team meeting – you told us how useful it was to hear how we practice what we preach and apply some key high performance principles to our own team and business.

Posted in: Blog postsCulture

Tube strike London walkers on bridge
5 high performance reasons why we loved the tube strike…

The tube drivers in London went on strike on Monday. Unless you’d lived in Outer Mongolia and were digitally cut off, this wouldn’t have escaped your attention. From the media and public outcry before the day, you’d have thought it was Armageddon. Turns out, it wasn't as bad as predicted. From a high performance perspective, there was a lot to be cheerful about. Here are 5 reasons why we loved the tube strike.

Posted in: Blog postsCulture

Our performance so far...

In January we blogged about how we’re applying some key high performance principles to our own team and business. We shared our individual high performance goals or intentions ( Three months on here’s an update from some of the PlanetK2 team.

Posted in: Blog postsCulture

Making culture live & breathe

In this blog Jo Webb shares her experiences and views on why culture matters, and how to get it right in your business. To remain competitive in today’s ever evolving […]

Posted in: Blog postsCulture

Building a High Performance Culture

In episode 2 we talk to human performance experts Katherine Bond and Henry Daglish from Bountiful Cow about building high performance cultures. Inspired by our latest podcast? Want access to […]

Posted in: PodcastsCulturePerformance

Get yourself engaged

Where did it all begin? This need for engagement metrics - where employers have started to work on actively ‘engaging’ their employees. Surveying employee engagement, measuring it, sending leaders and managers into an annual spiral of activity, to increase a number to affect their own bonuses. How did we all cope before then?

Posted in: Blog postsCulture

How to build a high performance culture

In episode 10 we talk to Angus Jenkins on how to build a high performance culture.

Posted in: PodcastsCulture

Simplicity - the ultimate sophistication

We’ve been working on our values lately – the things that as a team, guide our decisions, get us up and ready to go on a wet Wednesday morning, that […]

Posted in: Performance insightsCulturePerformanceThe Basics

One System Thinking

The world of work often looks at life through an individual lens. Goals, performance and results are often set and reviewed on an individual basis. Rewards often follow suit. Unsurprisingly, […]

Posted in: KitbagsCultureLeadership

Why Employee Engagement is in danger of disappearing up its own arse

In episode 12 Chris Shambrook talks to Keith Hatter about his popular LinkedIn article on Employee engagement. Sit back and enjoy!

Posted in: PodcastsCultureLeadershipMotivation

Are you Superman or a target monkey?

I’ve got a Superman tattoo and I sometimes get asked why – mainly by my exasperated and disappointed mother but not exclusively. Perhaps I believe I share some of his abilities […]

Posted in: Performance insightsCultureLeadership