
Resolutions are not just for New Year

We know that by mid-January countless New Year’s resolutions will have been abandoned. Why? – what’s not working about how people set goals. We’ve been banging on for a few years now with our thoughts on goals. Here’s some key principles we return to again and again.

Posted in: GoalsThe Basics

One young man

This week we interviewed our colleague Jane on the subject of goals and she immediately thought of her cycling mad, GCSE studying, 15 year old son Freddie. On PlanetK2, Jane’s our friendly, efficient, energetic, enthusiastic office administrator, customer co-ordinator and all round superstar. What came out of the interview was a useful reminder to us about goals being useful, whatever performance you might be pursuing, when you use them effectively.

Posted in: GoalsMindsetPerformance

How to channel childhood heroes to inspire goals that deliver

Our blog star this week is AXA Senior HR business partner Ben Andrews, a previous customer of ours who is on his quest to emulate a boyhood hero and discover something about himself along the way! Ben’s hero was Rocky Balboa; the grit, determination, dedication, pain and triumph...fist thrust defiantly in the air, theme tune ringing in his ears, young Ben was inspired.

Posted in: GoalsMindsetMotivationThe Basics

Colleagues at work
How high performing teams use goals

Having and using effective goals is essential to ensure you’re set up for success in your work – and in life. Apply the principles from the infographic below to help you […]

Posted in: InfographicsGoalsTeams

How I use goals

So, I've just finished the first of the 2017 Performance Festival sessions at the super nice Dorchester Hotel. Vibe wise, it’s very different from the Vaults where we held the 2016 Performance Fest and an important reminder that the environment is only part of what makes up a performance and you take advantage of whatever any environment gives you.

Posted in: GoalsPerformanceThe Basics

Stuart Hooper on effective use of goals and goal setting

Last week we had the pleasure of talking with former rugby union player Stuart Hooper. Stuart was captain of Bath Rugby Club for 5 years and is now performance and player director at Bath where he supports staff in developing player skills. We talked to Stuart about goals and goal setting - here's the highlights!

Posted in: Blog postsGoalsPerformance

Continuous improvement – what are YOU doing?

There’s a lot of airtime given to ‘continuous improvement’ in the workplace. For us, improvement is an attitude and a set of behaviours. In the workplace, our approach to learning, […]

Posted in: Blog postsGoalsMotivationRituals

How to stay on track with your goals

This fix is all about helping you stay on track with any goals you set for yourself or any behaviour that you are trying to change over time.

Posted in: Performance FixGoals

Motivation and the 3 key ingredients

In episode 4 we speak to our human performance expert Dr Chris Shambrook about Motivation. The podcast covers a range of areas including how to develop a helpful motivational climate, […]

Posted in: PodcastsConfidenceGoalsMotivation

Do you own goals or do goals own you?

Are you owning your goals or are your goals owning you?

Posted in: InfographicsGoals

Goals and Fundraising - PlanetK2's Team LifeReady

David, Dan, Dock, Aaron – a.k.a. Team LifeReady – talk to us At PlanetK2, we’ve got the privilege of working with Team LifeReady, helping them think, prepare and perform like […]

Posted in: Blog postsGoalsRituals

Goal reviewing

In this performance fix we would like you to reconsider your approach to goal setting.

Posted in: Performance FixGoalsReviewing