
What drives me to perform?

This weeks blog comes from Sophie Radcliffe. Sophie is an adventurer who inspires people by taking on remarkable challenges but she’s also a brand ambassador, blogger and writer and this week she shares her story on her desire to perform.

Posted in: Blog postsMindsetPerformanceRituals


We had our end of year meeting this week. Everyone in the company getting together to have the chance to relfect on 2016, increase our sense of togetherness and get ready for how we want to PERFORM in 2017. Excellent!

Posted in: Blog postsMindsetPerformanceRituals

Can you keep it up?

For many Christmas and New Year is a time for rest. Phew! Thank goodness for that. If you feel like you’re working harder than ever maybe you need one. And if you think 2017 is going to be harder again then you’d better get a plan in place for keeping it up.

Posted in: Blog postsEnergyMindsetPerformanceRitualsThe Basics

One young man

This week we interviewed our colleague Jane on the subject of goals and she immediately thought of her cycling mad, GCSE studying, 15 year old son Freddie. On PlanetK2, Jane’s our friendly, efficient, energetic, enthusiastic office administrator, customer co-ordinator and all round superstar. What came out of the interview was a useful reminder to us about goals being useful, whatever performance you might be pursuing, when you use them effectively.

Posted in: GoalsMindsetPerformance

Winning the biggest race of my life

The week’s blog comes from Simon Chodziesner, a K2 Performance Coach based in Melbourne. For those of you who are avid blog readers, you may remember a blog from Simon back in October, just before he underwent major heart surgery. Back by popular demand, Simon shares his rehab experiences, taking of course, a high performance lens to reflect on his recovery!

Posted in: ConfidenceMindsetMotivationPerformanceThe Basics

How to channel childhood heroes to inspire goals that deliver

Our blog star this week is AXA Senior HR business partner Ben Andrews, a previous customer of ours who is on his quest to emulate a boyhood hero and discover something about himself along the way! Ben’s hero was Rocky Balboa; the grit, determination, dedication, pain and triumph...fist thrust defiantly in the air, theme tune ringing in his ears, young Ben was inspired.

Posted in: GoalsMindsetMotivationThe Basics

Are you using your Battle Mentality?

I’m writing this from Melbourne Airport, en route back home to the UK after a great couple of weeks working with some of our Australian customers. Airports make me reflect – they represent endings and beginnings, so it seems like the perfect time to put pen to paper.

Posted in: ConfidenceMindsetMotivationPerformanceRituals

Mental readiness
Top tips to maximise your mental readiness in the performance pie

Following on from our 2 latest infographics, why not spend some time to review your performance pie. Here are 5 top tips to help you maximise your mental readiness.

Posted in: InfographicsMindsetPerformanceThe Basics

Juggling fire poi dancers
Can you find your soul reason to exercise?

This comes from Dan Dobson -Smith, Chief Learning & Culture Officer at Essence, one of the most admired digital agencies on the planet. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Posted in: Blog postsMindset

Turn your self talk into helpful actions

This fix is all about talking to yourself and helping you to ignore the propaganda about positive self talk.

Posted in: Performance FixMindset

How well do you manage transition?

As regular readers will be aware, we’re on a mission to share our human performance expertise with the world. We’ve been working for a while in Australia and had a lot of fun and a lot of impact, working with customers down under for the last few years – so much so, that we’re aiming to add to that group of customers and trusted performance partners.

Posted in: Blog postsMindsetPressureResilience

What is the 100% mentality?

In this fix we are going to introduce you to the 100% mentality. Imagine applying that 100% mindset to everything you do. That’s a winning mentality.

Posted in: Performance FixMindset