Welcome to our Road to Rio series! You’ll hopefully have seen by now that the Great Britain Women’s Hockey qualified for Rio with a superb series of performances throughout the World Hockey League in Valencia. They won the whole tournament, winning every match they played, and happily booking the team’s place for Rio next year as a result.
In just under a year’s time, our finest sports men and women will be entering the cauldron of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio. For most of them, this will be the biggest challenge of their careers, if not their lives. Many of them will be competing at their first Games. For some, it will be their only Games – their one and only chance to shine.
Swimmers get wet. They accept they’re going to be immersed in water a lot of the time and so tend not to complain about how wet they get. In contrast, […]
“It never gets easier, you just go faster” – Greg LeMond (Tour de France winner) Too often people forget that when they sign up to be part of a highly competitive […]
Shift your attitude to challenging situations so you’re better at performing in them than you are at moaning about them! Get your challenge mindset right and give yourself the best […]
People who make the most of their potential know they can perform, however tough the challenge. Being able to step up and perform when it matters is a skill they develop.
Most people face moments of pressure in their work. Being prepared for these is an important part of fulfilling your potential. If you do this really well you might even look forward to the pressure!
It’s easy to perform when there’s no pressure, there’s time and you’re in control. Performing under pressure is a different matter. It’s that simple. Great performers step up under pressure. […]
Shift your approach to pressure situations. Stop thinking about pressure as something unhelpful and start using it to help you perform at your best.
Everyone faces pressure. Everyone’s personality plays a role in how pressure affects them. If you want to be the best you can, then you need to get pressure to work for you!
Want to know what it takes to perform brilliantly in challenging conditions? Watch this short but beautifully formed video for everything you need to know so that you’re absolutely ready to perform […]
We’ve all been through tough times when our confidence has taken a battering. It happens to the best of us, and sometimes, in the case of elite athletes, very publicly. […]