Before you dive head long into New Year resolutions, spend a bit of time taking the lessons learned from last year so you can build from a really strong base. Here's 6 steps to work through to get the most out of the story of the previous year.
In this performance fix we would like you to reconsider your approach to goal setting.
Start asking yourself these questions to help you become more effective at reviewing your performance.
Most Leaders don’t use performance reviewing properly and the performance of those they lead suffers as a result. 55% of people don’t think their performance reviews are effective*. And that’s […]
It’s a great feeling when you take control of your performance reviewing. It’s your performance, so assert your ownership and responsibility.
High performers love performance reviewing. Without reviewing there is no learning, no improvement and no progress. It’s not just an annual exercise and it’s definitely not something you do just […]
Performance reviewing is a vital high performance rhythm aimed at helping someone learn from their performance. It might confirm strengths or highlight important weaknesses. It might examine attitudes and use […]
If you want to focus on learning about performance reviews then bring it to life with this challenge. See what value you can extract from a performance review process that […]
Improve your performance review process by working through the following stages and questions in our infographic.
We’ve been very privileged to work with some really successful teams in sport. We’ve worked with them in the most pressurised of sporting environments at world championships and Olympic Games. […]
Getting the basics right will really improve your performance reviewing. Remove assumptions, be clear what you’re reviewing and why!
Do you have conversations at work about the importance of feedback? Have there been initiatives to try to create a culture of feedback for your organisation? Do you have a […]