Over the past year, we’ve been supporting our K2 Ambassador, Sophie Radcliffe get ready for some of the inspirational challenges she’s taken on. Her most recent challenge was the Mont-Blanc Vertical KM.
Rituals are the regular rhythms that tell people what matters and set the tone for your culture. In high performance cultures, they are used to reinforce what matters. This tool is […]
High performance cultures need leaders who behave like it really matters. Leaders who are serious about it and show it in what they say, how they think and what they […]
People all over the world are incredibly busy. Their working hours are getting longer. Even with more time being spent working, to-do lists never come to an end.
As a performer being physically ready to thrive at work is essential. If you’re fit for purpose physically then it makes it a lot easier to get other areas of performance in shape too.
Smart energy meters are being installed in many homes all over the world but what about your personal energy meter? How worried are you that you’re being efficient with your own, limited resource of personal energy?
Work is a demanding arena, both physically and mentally. If you’re going to be fit for purpose in a world that demands a lot, you’ve got to take care of your energy levels.
If you’re not ready to follow the energy basics to be fit for purpose, then you better be ready to be fit to drop anytime soon.
Want to know what it takes to be physically ready to perform? Watch this short but beautifully formed video for everything you need to know so that you’re maximising your energy and […]
Great performers, who have reached a level of excellence, understand the value of discipline and they’re really good at not getting bored with important habits. Excellence results from an ongoing […]
. For examples of excellence to exist, by definition, examples of good, o.k., average and poor need to exist too. People who fit into the different categories need to be […]
There are no short-cuts and no secret formula for excellence. There’s just the discipline shown by those great performers who demonstrate excellence. As we repeat often, it’s simple, just not […]