
Can you keep it up?

For many Christmas and New Year is a time for rest. Phew! Thank goodness for that. If you feel like you’re working harder than ever maybe you need one. And if you think 2017 is going to be harder again then you’d better get a plan in place for keeping it up.

Posted in: Blog postsEnergyMindsetPerformanceRitualsThe Basics

Brain lightbulb
How to build a powerful performance routine

Great performers realise the importance of having a plan to help them be ready to compete. Have a read of our infographic for some tips and advice on creating your […]

Posted in: InfographicsRitualsThe Basics

Multi tasking at work
7 ways to turn high performance into a habit

Great teams are prepared to do what’s necessary to get high performance in their particular role in their particular arena. Here are 7 simple infographic tips to help you turn high […]

Posted in: InfographicsRituals

Pause and reflect to get creative with your future planning

Make space to pause, reflect and think, to inject creativity into your goal setting and future planning, so you can really do life!

Posted in: RitualsThe Basics

Are you using your Battle Mentality?

I’m writing this from Melbourne Airport, en route back home to the UK after a great couple of weeks working with some of our Australian customers. Airports make me reflect – they represent endings and beginnings, so it seems like the perfect time to put pen to paper.

Posted in: ConfidenceMindsetMotivationPerformanceRituals

Continuous improvement – what are YOU doing?

There’s a lot of airtime given to ‘continuous improvement’ in the workplace. For us, improvement is an attitude and a set of behaviours. In the workplace, our approach to learning, […]

Posted in: Blog postsGoalsMotivationRituals

If travelling solo with newborns was an Olympic Sport…

There are a few reasons I really like my job. One of those reasons is that applying a high performance lens to stuff becomes second nature for life as well as work. And there are times when that comes in quite handy – like recently when I decided to take my 10 week old daughter on a flight to Inverness. On my own. Brave or foolish? Here’s how I got on with my adventure, and how I applied my high performance lens to it….

Posted in: Blog postsRitualsThe Basics

Goals and Fundraising - PlanetK2's Team LifeReady

David, Dan, Dock, Aaron – a.k.a. Team LifeReady – talk to us At PlanetK2, we’ve got the privilege of working with Team LifeReady, helping them think, prepare and perform like […]

Posted in: Blog postsGoalsRituals

10 habits of elite performers

Elite performers are different. They think and act in unique ways and they practise high impact habits with passion and discipline. If you’re serious & curious about finding out how good you can be […]

Posted in: Performance insightsPerformanceRituals

10 habits of elite performers

Elite performers are different. They think and act in unique ways and they practise high impact habits with passion and discipline. If you’re serious about finding out how good you can be […]

Posted in: InfographicsPerformanceRituals

All change...

From our time spent working in elite sport with some world leading athletes it’s very clear that one of the differentiators between those who fulfil their potential and those who […]

Posted in: Performance insightsMindsetRituals

To learn or change - it's not an either or

We are the human performance experts and we help people to think, prepare and perform like elite athletes. We help people to focus their desire to improve on things they […]

Posted in: Performance insightsMindsetRituals