What is emotional  readiness?

How good is the support you get from the people that matter to you?

To deliver consistent high levels of performance you will benefit from access to a support team who fulfil a variety of roles for you.

Excellence is rarely a solo pursuit.


Reading time: 3 minutes

Emotional Readiness

Sometimes you need to be challenged, at times you’ll benefit from a firm kick up the backside, sometimes a gentle nudge in the right direction and sometimes a shoulder to cry on.

The best performers know where to turn for whatever support they need, and know that the support will be given.

For many most of their emotional support will come from family and friends.

Taking action

This emotional segment of the performance pie is about recognising the support you need from others – and then taking action – to develop and maintain your support team.

The aim isn’t to just surround yourself with an army of supporters. It’s to get the best number and blend of people that you need around you for you to perform at your best whatever the conditions.

Do you know who you need to connect with – and when – to get the support you need to deliver your best performance?

Types of support

Rees and Hardy, working at the College of Health and Behavioural Sciences in Bangor University, looked at what type of support was the most beneficial for elite performers.

The answer – social support has four main parts.

  1. Emotional (comfort, security, caring)
  2. Esteem (providing positive feedback, belief in the performer and confidence in self-esteem)
  3. Informational (advice or guidance)
  4. Tangible (concrete and tangible assistance)

Their research indicated that to become an elite performer in any arena you need people that can provide support to you in all four areas.

Often neglected

This part of the pie can be underrated. For some it’s overlooked until it’s needed. A which point – if it’s there – it’s extremely valuable and highly appreciated. And if it’s not there when it’s needed the benefit of hindsight is just annoying and not helpful.

Paying this performance factor the attention it deserves will have two benefits:

  1. It will help you to keep going and not underperform if you’ve had a setback
  2. It will also help you maintain high levels of motivation to keep pressing forward

And if you provide this role to others don’t underestimate the positive impact you can have.

Simple actions

Maintain and build important relationships all the time, ahead of time. This means communicate, show your appreciation and help others.

You won’t regret it.

Who should you check in with who always adds value for you?